If you’ve ever bought something from a New York retail store, Northport, then you’ve probably noticed that packaging has a lot to do with what you’re getting. From the flimsy boxes to the large wrappers, there are a lot of ways that packaging can impact what you receive. In this article, we’ll take a look at the importance of packaging and what you can do to keep it as eco-friendly as possible.
California Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act of 2021
If you manufacture or sell cookware in California, you may be affected by a new law. The California Safer Food Packaging and Cookware Act of 2021 will require you to disclose chemicals in your product. You will need to create a product label and an online disclosure that details the presence of these chemicals.
For starters, you must disclose that your product contains any of the DTSC Candidate Chemical List. This list includes over 1,000 chemical compounds. These substances have been linked to immune system toxicity, breast cancer, and a reduced antibody response to vaccines.
In addition to requiring a disclosure of the ingredients, this law also bans selling food packaging made from plant fibers. The new law is an effort to safeguard consumers, the environment, and future generations.
New York State is introducing two new bills to combat overpackaging and litter. One bill is the Bigger Better Bottle Bill, which proposes a 10 cent deposit on every bottle sold in the state. The other is the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging law, which would require companies to pay for the disposal of their packaging and switch to refillable systems.
Over-packaging is a serious issue. It wastes valuable resources, consumes raw materials, and is bad for the environment. Consumers are increasingly aware of the need for green solutions. This trend has led to a number of states and countries introducing laws to reduce the amount of over-packaging used on products.
Poor recycling rates
New York’s poor recycling rates for packaging are one of the city’s most serious environmental challenges. But the problem isn’t just due to laziness or wanton consumerism. It’s also a consequence of a global climate crisis.
According to a study by the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans threw away about 309 pounds of plastic per person in 2021. Almost all of that waste ended up in the ocean. The United States’ official recycling rate, according to the EPA, fell from a high of 9.5% in 2014 to 8.7% in 2018.
Plastics have long been considered recyclable. However, recent studies suggest that the plastics that most Americans discard fall short of the 30% that recyclers require. That’s despite the fact that most households separate their plastics for recycling.
Litter issues
As it turns out, there’s a lot of litter in New York City. For starters, the city’s wastewater treatment plants are dumping tons of stuff into the sea. Getting rid of the garbage isn’t cheap and there’s no end in sight. Aside from the usual suspects, there’s plenty of e-waste to be found in the form of cell phones, laptops and the like. In fact, some estimates suggest that the city’s trash is a whopping 30 percent of the total municipal load. It’s a problem that’s likely to get worse in coming years.
The best way to combat this problem is to reduce waste and reuse more items, such as paper and plastic bags. There are a variety of solutions in place, but there are a few steps that everyone can take to cut their trash and save money in the process.
Inflatable Protective Packaging
When it comes to protecting fragile goods, there are many options to choose from. One of the more popular choices is inflatable protective packaging. This type of packaging is made from either plant-based or recycled plastic, and can be inflated to provide a safe, cushioned transport for your products.
Inflatable pouches are used for a wide variety of products, such as wine bottles, beer bottles, frozen food, and electronic devices. They are lightweight, clear, and seal against airborne contaminants, maintaining product freshness. The pouches are easy to produce and offer a cost-effective, environmentally friendly alternative to other packing methods.
Inflatable Protective Packaging is the perfect choice for New York companies. AirPacks offer superior protection during transit, and deflate easily for reuse. Plus, they eliminate the need for messy overwrapping.
Itw Construction North America
One of the world’s largest manufacturers of industrial products, Illinois Tool Works (ITW) has 83 divisions in 52 countries. With a focus on quality and speed, ITW delivers best-in-class solutions. Aside from its products, the company offers services. Despite the challenges it has faced, ITW maintains a strong financial position and remains one of the most innovative companies in the industry. In the third quarter of 2020, ITW experienced a solid recovery in several end markets.
Although ITW is a global company, its operations are grouped into seven segments – Specialty Products, Test & Measurement and Electronics, Automotive OEM, Polymers and Fluids, Food Equipment, Industrial Maintenance and Construction Products. The company’s product portfolio is a mix of licensed and proprietary brands. Among its products are Deltar, Hi-Contra, MTS, Paslode and Permatex. Using its decentralized organizational structure, ITW has managed to maintain a competitive edge in the market.